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Travis County Commssioners Court
November 5, 2002

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 3

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3. Approve resolution recognizing November 11, 2002 as veterans day in Travis County. Good morning.
>> good morning. Should I read it?
>> that would be great.
>> it reads whereas the citizens of Travis County have throughout the history of our great nation be in the forefront of those who have made sacrifices for the freedoms we all enjoy. Whereas these residents who have severed in the united states armed services have brought honor and distinction to Travis County through their service. Whereas many of our residents have made the ultimate south carolina guys in that they have -- sacrifice if that they have given their lives, in order to preserve our way of life. Whereas it is appropriate that the patriotic service of those veterans be suitably recognized and commemorated. Now therefore be it resolved by the Travis County commissioners court that all citizens of Travis County are urged to observe November 11th, 2002 as veterans day with appropriate programs and activities focusing on the achievements of those who serve this great nation. And showing appreciation for their service. I move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning, steven. Of course we came to -- to not only give you highlights of the major events around veterans day, but also to invite you to the main event on November 11th. Which includes a parade and of course the event that occurs at 11:00. [inaudible] veterans service officer will give you some key highlights to other activities that are going on that day.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> the parade that's started will be at the congress bridge, just like always, approximately 7:00 to 9:00 in the statementing area. They -- in the staging area. The leadoff will start approximately 9:00 to 9:15 depending on the participants coming into that staging area. There's also going to be entertainment on the capitol steps by the gospelairres. We had them last year, they did a pan takes stick job of getting the crowd fully entertained. The parade will end approximately 10:45 and then at that time, at 11:00, the ceremony will begin. This is the first time that we attempted to have a viewing stand. The viewing stand is going to be at the stephen f. Austin hotel on 7th and congress. Unfortunately that -- that view stand was being sponsored by [inaudible] 103. I don't know if you heard but the d.j. That was going to work the crowd for the viewing stand area passed away over the weekend. Oldies 103. So we may have an alternate solution for that. But there are other activities that are ongoing throughout the community. One thing that we are happy about, we are finally getting Austin independent school district involved. We have one of the deputy superintendents that's going to present the essay awards at the ceremony. That night they are going to have their own awards ceremony for the diploma graduation for the world war ii veterans. So I have an outline of activities and list of everything that's going to take place during that time and during the week and I will be passing it forward to you after it has -- after it is finalized tomorrow. We are getting, you know, every day we are getting more activities that are going to be held during the ceremony.
>> and all -- all residents of central Texas are invited?
>> all residents.
>> including the commissioners court?
>> including -- you personally got an invitation.
>> any more discussion?
>> commissioner Davis, you asked about the buffalo soldiers. They are having a rodeo in seguin and --
>> in seguin.
>> we are not sure if they are going to participate, but they will contact me today or tomorrow, I have been talking to them all along.
>> okay. We would appreciate you letting me know if they can participate.
>> all right.
>> I think because our veterans have sacrificed, you know, their life for our freedoms, we probably should exercise those freedoms today as well as Monday.
>> as well as Monday. Yes.
>> I just want to give special attention to the del valle independent school district, they are the stars of that parade and I just applaud the district in those -- and those young people for making veterans day always a part of their lives.
>> > this school district is off that day, which Austin isn't, so they have always been an important part of the program.
>> right. Very much so.
>> > thank you all.
>> there is an organization that's called the tejanos in action, they will be participating in a documentary filming of the uh 1 helicopter which was the work horse of vietnam. The name of the program is the -- in the shadow of the blade. That will be at zilker park tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. They will start filming different individuals experience with the helicopter.
>> all right.
>> that's ongoing.
>> that's good.
>> thanks.
>> a lot of things ongoing.
>> urge everyone to participate. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> thank you.
>> thank you, stephen.
>> it's mandatory that you accept this, whether you want it or not. [ laughter ]
>> I want to accept it.
>> add this to the others that you collected over the years.
>> let me know how the buffalo soldiers come out. Thanks.
>> citizens communication is [ laughter ]
>> I want to accept it.
>> add this to the others that you collected over the years.
>> let me know how the buffalo soldiers come.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM