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Travis County Commssioners Court
October 22, 2002

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Citizens Communication

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Next is citizens communication, nobody had signed in, but mr. Schnieder has arrived.
>> thank you.
>> [inaudible - no mic]
>> my name is kenneth schnieder, north ridge acres, capital city colonial, third world neighborhood. We had the water development board out there yesterday taking pictures, looking it over, everything, they couldn't believe what they saw. Which I'm glad they came out. But -- about this here will be on the internet in the next few days. Of course it's going to have the pictures like this here, it's going to go on the internet, too. We are going to take this up and -- this eventually. Boy, I tell you, some of the state workers, county workers, I tell ya, they don't think we deserve anything out there. They don't understand. We pay taxes like anybody else. You all would collect more taxes if we had water and sewer out there just like anybody else. I just can't understand it. I'm going to have a heart attack one of these days fighting all of this mess and everything. Hopefully in the next month or so maybe they can change around and we won't have to be in the third world neighborhood. Have a colonial right down the street from the capital building. Nine years fighting this mess. We pay taxes just like everybody else, they make 40, 50, $100,000 working for the county. We are not important. They say move away. We can't move. It's our homes, we don't want to move out. We want help. They have grants out there to fix the kind of problem. They say out there, [inaudible], senate bill 21, we pay it back. If it's reasonable we can pay you back, there's no problem. We need help. Can he can't do it ours. Kennedy ridge and everything. They say to help themselves, they helped theirselfs, the first time you all helped them, you guys -- not a step program but a grant. We pay taxes on them grants just like everybody else. I cannot understand what the deal is and everything. Step program ever worked for 18 houses, first one ever worked anywhere. Check it, find out how many step programs worked. I cannot understand this here and everything. Been going on for nine years. I would like to know, talking about roads, toll roads, all of these kind of stuff. Where does all of this money coming in on the license plates, the money they get for fines, tickets, all of this kind of stuff and everything. You have a low budget and everything. Where is it that money go out and everything. The county takes a lot of mope off of permits, all of that -- money off of permits, I don't think we need light rail, any kind of rail. Ain't no way you are going to put anybody out of a car. There's not one person in the county that rides a bus to work. I bet you all have never been on a bus in your life. They squander money for everything, tree, salamanders, everything you can think of, put money out for. Trying to get basic human services, safe live like everybody else not have to haul our water in. Animals be dead in our ditches everything, I cannot understand it. I don't like what I'm doing, I hate what I'm doing. I shouldn't have to do this here. You all should have gumptoin enough to say enough is enough. Nobody wants to go against it. Sonleitner says no. Just like I seen Davis sit up there and argue with you all a little bit. You all go against him on a lot things. I don't understand how one person can be god almighty. I don't like bashing her, I think she's a good lady and everything, but she's thinking for the rich, she don't give a damn about the people. She don't care about working class people, all she cares about is the rich yaishs. Ain't a rich area around like ours, keep the ditches down, cut the grass and everything in her area, in the rich areas. But the low class areas, low income areas like ours, everything, don't get nothing done, you take that other thousand acres out there empty, have water and sewer on it, I think they could build houses on it, have more tax base. I think the $5,000 lot with a $100,000 on there has a lot more tax base on it. I just don't understand why you don't think about it everything. Looks like you all ought to get out there and look. Put a house this vacant piece of property, you are going to draw one hundred dollars off of it. Another 80,000 you are getting off the tax base. Ian understand what you are thinking about. I think judge Biscoe knows that I'm right. The thing about it is he will not go against any of you all either, mike manson gets in -- man son gets -- hanson gets in here, I think it's going to change. I may die in the meantime, I'm going to fight it, I want to get help for kids out there. They say move away. You can't move out of there. If you find a house for $100, $200,000 in Round Rock. I don't think that you will find --
>> been about five minutes. They didn't start the clock on you.
>> talking about the what the deal is and everything. I just don't know. But Karen Sonleitner will be get defeated everything, if she does get defeated I will have the biggest party in the world, hopefully the next one will be a lot better. Because you take a drive out there, look at what you see. It's been going on for nine years, I think that's long enough.
>> thank you, mr. Snyder.
>> there's programs out there.
>> anybody else for citizens communication? Then consent items are next. Posted for consent are c 1 through c 5, and I show those to be ready for action. We have been asked to consider adding the following items to the consent motion. 8 and 9, 10, if you would like for us to discuss these spatially please say so as we call out the number as he would be happy to do it. As we would be happy to do it. Number 12, 14 --
>> judge, I have a quick question on 14.
>> all right. 14 will not be part of the consent motion.
>> just so people know what the question is it's about the dollar amount. My memory is when we did that in court, we said it's a $50,000, we are going up to $50,000. And it's not that number. It's 49-2 in the contract. We are about $800 short.
>> there's programs out there.
>> anybody else for citizens communication?

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM