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Travis County Commssioners Court
October 15, 2002

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Item 14

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>> item 14 is to approve budget amendments and transfers. We will put in the changes this morning. A 2 instead of being $5,760 should be 9,000. The funding should be the same. Questions?
>> judge, the only question was that it's just an order thing. There was a discussion item on here about whether there would be anticipated savings from a project on post road, whether that should be appropriated now to go towards the clean air -- fresh air project in the jail. And I know pbo being pbo is bringing that to our attention. And I would kind of be at the same place that we were on there on another related item. And that is that the we are going to need to find the money internally if indeed these savings don't materialize. But I have great faith in our folks and facilities that when they think they've got the prices down and that these are accurate that they are people of their word and I appreciate pbo saying they really want to do and it's based on anticipated savings, but I am very comfortable with the numbers that we've got and what is going on with the post road project and it's not going to be as expensive as we thought and it can be appropriately rolled into a new project. [one moment, please, for change in captioners] they are not able because they got the information later to go through the review, the only other option would be to use car reserve for the project. You can delay it a week. The reason that the delay that's just one week that would be fine, but we have to have the project finished by March of next year before the weather starts getting hot so we can have hv, hvac in the jail.
>> that's the old jail?
>> yes, sir, the old jail, track. We are not going to try to renovate anything in the old -- in the new jail --
>> oh, no.
>> this is the old jail.
>> yes, sir. I think 1980 was when it was --
>> you mentioned -- what is the contingency that you have available now in that particular project? What is it? The amount? We have a budget of $232,000, approved for a -- for fy 03 to do a [inaudible] the low bid came up $267,000. The difference is about like $38,000 to $40,000 and that was -- that was -- that was due to a -- to an oversight on the demolition of some [inaudible] system that we need to take care of. What I did, I tried to compensate for that fund from other savings that I have on the post road project. So I don't ask for any fund from the court toward the project. The -- we had fund from the post road project and I believe the county attorney and -- they are going to look at the ability to transfer the money to this project.
>> the rope for looking -- the county attorney is looking at that is because -- to see if that money would be appropriately -- can be appropriately signed --
>> that's correct.
>> from bonds, from one project to another project.
>> yes.
>> that's the co project.
>> okay. And we are saying that, you know, there's not a -- there's not a repair -- it's not a maintenance and operation issue with the jail, it's really -- it was a design and construction problem that would create the --
>> doing all this looking and reviewing and talking, are we really ready today?
>> I guess the bottom line, judge, is that we could indeed -- we could indeed wait one week [multiple voices] but if it took any longer than that, we would have to come back and recommend that it be funded for perhaps from car reserves, whether --
>> let's take the weekend. If it's not resolved then -- [multiple voices]
>> that's correct.
>> works --
>> that would be a better use of our time, I think.
>> that's right.
>> move approval of a 1 and a 2 which are unrelated to this item.
>> I have got a correction on a 2. That amount should go back to the original requested amount of $9,000 [multiple voices]
>> $9,000.
>> all right.
>> yes.
>> we are moving backwards on this item, y'all. [ laughter ] motion to -- to approve a 1 and a 2, that was seconded. Any discussion of that one, with a new number? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> we will indicate our attention to postpone for one week [inaudible] let the affected folk get together, try to resolve it. And if not resolved by next week, let's get with p.b.o. And identify another source of funding.
>> this would also tie in judge item no. 22, the actual award of the contract.
>> [inaudible] the source of fund first.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM