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Travis County Commssioners Court
October 15, 2002

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Agenda Item 7

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Seven is to approve fy '03 roadway maintenance and rehabilitation reconstruction program project lists.
>> last December we brought to you the consultants's review of a pavement maintenance system and what roads needed to be paved and what surface treatment was required to keep our roads in fair to good condition. And as you recall, it was about eight percent or more. And what we do each year is bring to you this project for the current year. We intend to bring the entire department's annual work plan within a few weeks. What we have here now is just the road surface treatment because we want to get our contracts out in time so we could beat the prices and at least get good contractors to bid on our prices. A couple of weeks ago paul delivered to all of you the projected -- the suggested project for this year for the various types of road treatment. To date I don't think we've had any changes of what we have presented to you. And all we're asking for here is approval of those projects for fy '03 surface treatment.
>> my only comment that I have, and it's a positive one, is that there was a great deal of sensitivity brought out during our public hearing process that we had last summer related to redistricting and how that was going to impact. And we kept saying, but we have a unified road system. This document I think should shore up anybody's concerns, and it shows that without regard to precinct we have finalized what rehab projts, what reconstruction projects, what surface treatment projects, what was done, and it's done according to the professionals who say these are the roads, and in what order. And it really is irrelevant what precinct they're in. However, for anybody that likes to keep track of that stuff, the majority of the money is going where the majority of the roads are. And so for anyone that has concerns that would we be appropriately taking care of business without regard to precinct, but according to need and where those things are, I think it's document -- this document very much reflects that it's done according to professional standards, that we have a unified road system and all precincts are covered and zoned with a priority system without regard to the politics of who got what. There are very few precinct 2 projects on here, but the ones that are here are in the cue. They're appropriate to be there, and it's not a matter of I get x dollars, it is which roads in what year. And I am one very happy camper that it all worked out like that.
>> speaking for the person on behalf of the roads, thank you for that. I do note -- [ inaudible ]
>> it's a good number.
>> it's a good number.
>> any other comments?
>> I'm in the field and hear the folks calling in. [ laughter ]
>> I move approval.
>> second.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you, tnr. Good job on that.
>> did you notice that they actually had more alotment for us next, but not really the projects this year, but we're not really reaffirming movement of money around until we get the bids in so that we know that those are indeed accurate for all those projects?
>> indeed. We used last year's prices, and you never know.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 10:25 AM