Travis County Commissioners Court
December 6, 2011 (Agenda)
Item 8
a approve order exempting the purchase of building automation system from computrols, inc.
from the competitive procurement process pursuant to section 262.024 (a) (2) of the county purchasing act; and b, approve contract award for the purchase of a building automation system and maintenance services from computrols, inc and authorize county purchasing agent to sign.
>> started to recommend this for con stent but I thought we ought to have it laid out.
>> bonnie floyd, assistant purchasing agent, the sheriff's office approached us to exempt this purchase from competitive bidding.
the original installation of this system which includes hvac systems, boilers and chillers, the original installation was part of design build building which I think is building number 12 and now they want to expand other buildings in there and this is an expansion of the other buildings.
the point is -- I will let john address any it issues but one of the things we want to point out is that we have -- we being it and purchasing are actively working now on new construction contract -- to work contracts, to make sure we have all of the it systems covered so that we don't run into this kind of thing in the future, hopefully.
>> I am ready to answer any questions.
I will try, at least.
>> so the software -- so the software can confer with the existing situation out there?
>> yes, sir.
>> am I understanding that correctly?
>> yes, sir.
>> so you don't have to shop with something different because you have a good interface with what you have right there right now?
>> yes.
>> this costs $21,358 and change?
>> yes, sir.
and that amount is already in the budget?
>> yes.
they have a requisition in the system to cover it.
>> what line item is that from?
>> I can give you the numbers.
I don't really know what numbers mean, but it starts with 525 -- 521, I am sorry, I am not sure exactly what fund number that means.
>> the ppo basically has confirmed a budget for it?
>> yes.
the auditor's office has, yes.
>> any other questions, comments?
discussion on the motion?
and that is approval of a and b, a to exempt it and b basically to approve the agreement.
>> right.
>> all those in favor?
this passes by unanimous vote.
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