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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 22, 2009,
Item 40

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40, consider and take appropriate action on the following: a, Travis County health care district's 2009 tax rate and b, Travis County health care district's fiscal 2010 budget.
good morning.

>> good morning, judge.

>> good morning.

>> I'm john stevens, the acting chief financial officer for the Travis County health care district and I'm here this morning with our board, chairman dr.
tom koopwood and our chief operating office.
our president and c.e.o.
is in washington so she asked us to attend on her behalf.
we're here to speak on item 40 and request the court consider and take action on the Travis County health care district's 2010 budget and tax rate.
we at the district have had a series of public meetings on our proposed budget dating back to our initial presentation to the board on may 14th, and including a presentation to the Commissioners court on August 18th.
specifically we also held two public hearings on the budget earlier in September and received public comment on the budget that was overwhelmingly positive.
the district's 2010 budget is proportionally balanced and we believe it tense to address the health care needs of Travis County residents who do not have private health insurance through collaborative agreements with safety net and other providers here in Travis County.
this budget continues to fund the primary care, specialty care and mental health initiatives that we've already put in place, and in addition provides about $5 million for service expansions and enrollment increases in our medical assistance program.
we appreciate what the court has done to help the district achieve its objectives.
y'all have provided some valuable staff resources and some very timely assistance to us.
we look forward to your continuing cooperation and we respectfully request your approval of our 2010 budget.
thank you.

>> so for the average Travis County homeowner, the financial impact would be what?

>> for -- for a homeowner who had an average homesteaded residence last year and an average homesteaded residence this year, it would be $2.30 or 19 cents a month.

>> $2.30 a year.

>> yes, sir.

>> okay.
and the district received a significant infusion of federal dollars during the last, I guess, four or five months.

>> yes, sir, we did.
we received some money that's going to help us renovate two of our health centers, two of our clinics, the east and the south clinic, and will provide for an additional provider at those facilities and allow us to see more patients at those facilities, so we are very happy about that.

>> about how much was it?

>> I believe it was 1.9 million.
yes, sir.

>> okay.
and just a couple more questions.
so your board plans to approve the -- give final approval to the budget and tax rate when?

>> our board has already approved the budget and the tax rate on September 10th.
and so we are only waiting your approval to initiate our budget.

>> okay.

>> tell me again the clinics that y'all are planning to renovate and --

>> it's the east clinic and the south clinic.

>> on what -- where are they located?

>> the east clinic is located right off of cesar chavez, just a couple blocks east of where the district's assistive headquarters are, and the south clinic is at the corner of oltorf and south first, just south of there.

>> okay.

>> and -- okay.
is there anyone here to speak on this item?
if so, please come forward.
and give us your name, we would be happy to get your comments.

>> good morning.
i am a member of the san jose catholic church and an executive team with Austin interfaith.
over the past year, we've had research meetings around health care, but most of you, members of the hospital district board -- I mean the health care district board and the clinics.
we're pleased that you -- that you and the health care district staff have agreed with some of our priorities, which is investing in mental health care, expansion of clinics, and in particularly the one that just opened that we're about to celebrate our one-year anniversary in the southeast Austin dove springs neighborhood.
we are very thankful.
it's been a very successful clinic that provides those services.
right now it's urgent care and we do want to come back and have individual conversations with each of you because we are at capacity already.
and not even a year yet.
so -- but also we want to recognize also the -- mr.
hernandez with the wesley family and community development who helped us identify all the research around health care for the

>> [indiscernible] area.
and the other item was also helping children at the health care district staff have agreed to also look as a priority, providing health care for children whose families don't quite make that -- the eligibility requirement and really looking at increasing that eligibility from 200% to 300% poverty level.
so that they could qualify for chip and medicaid.
we are also pleased with the health care district's smooth transition from the city clinics now to be their own independent service provider, which is now community care.
we support the health care district budget and look forward to continue working with -- around health care with the hospital -- with the health care district members and -- and with you all to work to provide quality health care, accessibility, availability and affordability for all of Travis County citizens.
thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> anybody else?

>> good morning, judge and Commissioners.
my name is jimmy castro.
i'm here to speak on my own behalf.
i've served as former board member of the millwood association.
i would like to speak in support of the budget and tax rate.
i have I slides to show you.
it is structurally balanced at the effective tax rate with no use of reserves.
miss young and her staff did an excellent job in preparing this year's budget and making the information available on their website.
the Travis County health district is a family doctor for 50,000 people.
this first line shows the focus areas.
health care service network, patient coverage programs and regional collaboration.
this slide shows the tax rate revenue, expense, reserves, and capital budget.
this slide shows that 2.4 milk redirected from operating expenses to health care delivery.
this slide shows where does the money come from.
68% comes from property taxes.
this slide shows where does the money go.
the majority of the fiscal year 2009 expenses, 90% relate to the provision of health care.
why is the health care system better?
from fiscal year '09 to fiscal year '09, the primary care businesses have increased 6%.
admission to the Austin lakes and seton shoal creek by 119%.
the average map enrollment has increased 56%.
the tax information and impact on an average homeowner with a home valued 289,000 is $1.52.
now, this slide shows the average property taxes on a home valued at $211,000.
the hospital district receives 3%.
austin community college receives 4%.
city of Austin receives 18%.
Travis County receives 19%.
and the Austin independent school district receives 55%.
this information is directly straight from the Travis County website.
in closing, the Travis County health care district is yet another advancement in the effort to make appropriate, affordable health care a reality in Travis County.
while maintaining an add quality, efficient and appropriate utilized emergency room system.
thank you, judge and Commissioners.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> you all are very lucky to have someone this well informed who is not on the payroll.

>> I'm looking at the September 10th vote.
five of your board members signed this order, I guess.
i know it's a quorum, but -- so was there just five members present or --

>> yes.

>> we don't have the same standards as Commissioners court when they pass their budget

>> [inaudible].

>> my suggestion is next year we have -- will I be on the court next year?
next year we really ought to have seven or eight.

>> okay.

>> questions?
move approval of the 2009 district's tax rate as well as the 2010 budget.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
show Commissioners Eckhardt, Gomez, Huber and yours truly voting in favor.

>> Commissioner Davis abstains.
i have submitted an appropriate document to the clerk because my spouse is hired by the seton daughters of charity which has a direct relationship with this particular -- the hospital district so I have abstained for those reasons.

>> no problem.
thank you all very much.

>> thank you.
appreciate it.

>> thanks so much.

>> miss young is in washington, d.c.
trying to get more of those federal dollars, I take it.

>> you bet.

>> that's good.
now, we did ask our purchasing agent to revisit the procurement occurred authorization with us after a six-month use period.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:30 PM


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