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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 13, 2009
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is Next and this item gives Residents an opportunity to Address the Commissioner's Court on any matter not on The agenda and two citizens Have signed in. Proceed number one. Number two, gus pena. Three citizens have signed In. Ronny says 9-11 was a inside Job. Alex jones explores this and Other items, info Is a great source for the Truth about our world's Dissolving economy and you Can find information. Yes, palestinian freedom Fighters can be found all Over gaza. No, that does not justify Israel's war crime of Killing everyone in gaza. With u.s. Weaponry and u.s. Taxpayer dollars. Now is the time for u.s. Citizens to demand a stop to This us-backed genocidal war Crime against the people of Gaza. We taxpayers can just say no To the evil isreali war Machine that we provide to That bigoted socialist Totalitarian regime of Israel. It's the same bunch of Criminals, people. Please help support our Troops, did he criminalize Traditional marijuana Because many of our brave Groups receive brain Injuries from i.e.d.s, Vehicular accidents, et Cetera, so the time is now For our returning troops to Have medicinal marijuana to Help in their recovery from Tb. It's as it's helped me In my on going recovery. Essential can bass has been Found to be a cure all for All residents. Each and every amino acid Digestible by man can be Found in each and every Marijuana seed. Vegetarians of the world Unite to liberate marijuana Farmers. Mankind's first crop was the Miraculously multipurposeful Marijuana plant. Pregnant women consuming Alcohol is the number one Known preventable cause of Meantal retardation here and All over the world. There is no such thing as Fetal marijuana syndrome Because it's nontoxic, thus It's impossible to overdose On marijuana. Hey, I've been trying for Years. Seriously by jama and the British have identified it As the least potentially Harmful ie most benign of All over psycho tropic Medicines known to exist. So we can conserve our Environment and conserve oil By replacing petroleum based Products with biodid he Gradable hemmen products. Make countless other Products from this Phenomenal plant. Also help Conserve police while taking Ill gotten gains.

>> [buzzer sounding]

>> they're all wrong because We all benefit from the Survival of family farms Because we all have to eat Even thugs. Thank you so much for your Time.

>> thank you. Mr. Pena is next and he will Be followed by barbara Wilson.

>> thank you, judge, Commissioner gus pena, that Is a tough act to follow, But I'm going to try, but, Thank you anyway, ronny. Project help, aisd project That supplies case Management and other needs For homeless families and The students that are Homeless and attending Austin independent school District. My understanding is that the Project help lost a lot of Funding. I spoke to Commissioner Gomez about the new chair of The capital metro board, but Maybe and also left a Message with you, judge, and Thank you for responding, if You know anybody out there Who might have some funding To provide or allocate to Project help to provide bus Passes, I would appreciate It very much. We can do some outreach and Help out in that manner and Other people listening to Me, please also help out Because the need is great. Lost funding is hard to Recover. One of the employees over There, kathy, the director Over there, if you can call Them, we would greatly Appreciate it. Bus passes are needed for People who don't have Transportation. Social service agents Experiencing increase of People under employment, Can't provide for families Become homeless, a lot of People -- hud is now -- has Redefined homelessness and Now people living in motels Are not considered homeless. We are in the process -- we Have dialogue with hud and Also the department of Veteran affairs to change And define clearly the People that motels are Considered homeless. They don't own a house, Obviously paying for a room, But that is not a own Structure. I spoke to president-elect Barak obama's transitional Team leader who is in charge Of veteran's affairs and i Have her name here Somewhere. Anyway, and we feel that General konseki who is the Veteran's affairs secretary Designee is a good guy and Will be appointed to the Secretary of veteran's Affairs who is a needed Agency to provide services For the veterans out there. I want to congratulate pope, Reed, james at the veteran's Service office, the reason i Say this, I've gone there For help and assistance, you See an increase of veterans, A lot of homeless veterans In need. Ladies and gentlemen, when We went into the military, Some was drafted, some we Just volunteered, but the Issue is we served our Country honorably. Nobody want as handout. Nobody is expecting anything From the government. We gave, there are veterans Out there that need help for Homes, referrals, health Care, hispanic future Conference, Saturday January 17th, 2009, lbj High school. There will be a hispanic Futures conference and The -- it will start at 10 a.m. To 2 o'clock Pervez Pm. The last item is this, I'm Sorry, the second annual mlk Day of welding is January 18th 2009 from 9:30 to 2 o'clock pm. Where, st. Mary's cathedral Gym. Downtown Austin. Tenth and san jacinto. Thank you very much for your Time, god bless, keep up the Good work.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, sir.

>> ms. Wilson.

>> unaccustomed as I am to Sitting at this table. I need to remind myself I'm Not an attorney, I'm a County citizen. The reason I'm here this Morn I helped in decisions That were made in relation To deferred comp, we're Right now in the middle of a Lot of meetings for Participants in the deferred Compensation program to talk About the transition Program, the transition from The old provider to the new Provider and frankly, it Would be nice if there were A lot more people coming Because there's a lot of Valuable information that is Being presented. There's a lot of important Choices that are being Bought out to participants And the deadlines for making Those choices and we had Nice participation but it Would be nice to have Overwhelming participation, So I'm trying to let people Know just a bit better that It's happening, it's been Happening since last Tuesday. It goes on until this Friday In some places throughout The county, there's a poster That looks like this and That tells you the dates and Times. There was also an e-mail That went out on the ninth Of this month that gave Dates and times for the Meetings and if neither of Those are available to you, You can always call hr at 854-9165 for that. The other thing that it's Very important for everyone To know who the participant Is that it's impossible to Electronically transfer the Information about who you Designated as a beneficiary Under the plan from Nationwide to great west Because nationwide did not Record that electronically. It's very important for each And every person who is a Participant to make some Contact with great west to Do that as soon as you Possibly can, so there's not A time when they don't know What to do with your money If something very dreadful Happens to you. Thanks.

>> is there like a written Summary of the presentation Made at the meeting for Those who don't attend the Meeting.

>> there's not a written Summary, but there is a book That I'll leave copies of on The table for anyone who Happens to be in the Courtroom today, that you Can pick up that gives you Much of the information t Value that you get from Going to a meeting as Opposed to just picking up a Book is that if you have Questions and just about Everybody who has come to The meetings has found some Question based on what they Saw presented to them and Have asked it. Gives you an opportunity to Get your personal question Answered.

>> is that book two pages or Three?

>> oh, that book is very Long. It's about 15 or 20 page, But a lot of those pages are Made up of a one page Summary of each of the Investments that are Available to you so it can Give you good information in A capsule about the choices You have to invest in what Great west is the provider.

>> okay. Fifteen pages or a meeting.

>> or both. You get the book at the Meeting too.

>> all right. Thank you. Anybody else for citizens Communication, whether you Signed in or not? Then let's go to the consent Items. (one moment, please, for Change in captioners...) All in favor? That passes by unanimous Vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 2:03 PM