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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 9, 2008
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. And this item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes. Gus pena is the first resident who signed in. He will be followed by ronnie reeferseed.

>> good morning, judge. Commissioners, gus pena. I want to thank our lord god in heaven, jesus, for allowing me to live another day in this world. First and foremost I would like to mention the ongoing issues about veterans, president elect obama, barack obama, has selected a general retired eric schiseke as the new secretary of veteran's affairs. This general is a vietnam veteran, highly decorated. He knows the issues. When mr. Obama was here in Austin earlier last year and he had the 20,000 people at his gathering, veteran's issues were brought up to him and his campaign as well as the other candidate's campaigns, also, senator clinton's and I think one of the things that we need to remember that as this article says in the newspaper, it says help for veterans could van any. That's very true because -- vanish. It's true because a lot of veterans benefits are vanishing, whether it be the fault administration or whatever. But I believe we have a good candidate for secretary of the veterans affairs committee, I believe h.u.d. Also is in the process of getting another secretary. We need to get rid of the one that we have now, not doing well under the h.u.d.-vash, just not working, parameters are not clearly defined. Social service agencies experiencing a need for more funding, more people losing jobs, the need is great. Blue santa, brown santa, christmas bureau, toys for tots. Please help them. A lot of people listen to what I say because I am stopped continuously everywhere that I go. I couldn't say more to please help these entities that help the less fortunate. Adopt a family, especially adopt senior citizens, visit a nursing home because they are very grateful for the visits that you all give them. Kind and caring support that you give our senior citizens. They pave the way for us. Our kids are our future, we need to take care of them. Austin Travis County central Texas residents are second to none when it comes to being caring, generous and giving. That's a fact. One of the things that I like to say before I -- before I wind up my time is I like to recognize mrs. Susan lewis, the veterans service office, over here, her supervisor, susan is a veteran. Susan has been the most person that is involved and active in homeless female veterans, helping them, female veterans. Susan lewis, not anybody else, she's the one working hard along with ollie and his staff on female veterans issues. My intent is to recognize her. She does not seek recognition. But we failed to recognize efforts and contribution that's our female veterans have given to us. I will be back good lord willing next week. Thank you for the hard work that you do. Gerald Daugherty, you are a friend of mine, continue to be a friend of mine, continue the good work. Continue the March. Ron Davis a strong advocate. Thank you for your time yesterday Commissioner eckhardt, god bless you all.

>> mr. Reeferseed.

>> okay. Is that working?

>> uh-huh.

>> okay. Ron reeferseed here to say ditto to the words of gus pena as usual. And good morning jill and everyone else. But with joy I would like to express my surprise and conditional support for mr. Obama's designation of former governor, former u.n. Ambassador bill richardson finally into his cabinet. In my humble opinion he has the best resume of all of the demublican candidates. In fact bill richardson's courage and leadership about decriminalizing marijuana I thought excluded his inclusion from the regime. Being secretary of commerce is better than nothing, but in my mind he should be vice-president or at least secretary of state. Instead obama chose joe build a burger biden for veep to take over after obama's eventually removal from office, which will somehow happen, people. But those unelected scheming pundits at servant of the plutocracy are still smarting from the political failure of their number one preferred candidate, ms. Felony hog wash clin-traitor, as we all know by now or media bankster complex is still in charge. Committing is to endless war in afghanistan, et cetera. Remember people sacrificing our brave troops for one group of illegal drug warlords over some other group of illegal drug warlords is counter productive at best. The real answer here is freedom. We can again eastern our leadership on the world -- earn our leadership by example, not bullets, bombs, bank bailouts or car company bailouts. Absolute freedom for farmers is the best answer to help feed our hungry future, take money from organized crime thugs and liberate doctors, farmers, honest cops and hemp enthusiasts from political enslavement. Voters since 1996 have overwhelming chosen to at least decriminalize medicinal marijuana. Help say evaporating family farms. That's the best answer, people, total absolute freedom for farmers, worldwide to at least feed our hungry future and take money from organized crime thugs as well as liberating honest cops, doctors, hemp enthusiasts everywhere. We have 500,000 people behind bars for non-violent marijuana offenses. Who thought that up? I mean it's eyedot tick. We don't need to do that. We are wasting a lot of talent and a lot of money on keeping these people behind bars. We need to liberate farmers so we can once again have strong family farms. Farming is the beginning of -- of humanity, that's when we as a species started to succeed and gather in groups so we need to stand behind our farmers. They don't even need to grow marijuana, but all farmers will make money once their crops are more valuable because of the -- of the simple causes -- by them having the option to grow hemp, whether they do or not, their other crops will be more available. More money for farmers for all farmers would result. And thanks again for your patience, I'm sorry.

>> thank you.

>> stumbled there, of course Ron paul and -- all the same thing.

>> okay.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Davis is signed in, but you're here on -- on the fireworks --

>> yes.

>> why don't we call it up next then, then we will get consent items.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 9, 2008 3:10 PM