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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 8, 2008
Item 18

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18. Consider and take appropriate action on request from chase bank to allow the bank to exhibit Travis County's use of chase's docmanager services as an example/case study to chase bank's customers.

>> pass the rest of them down.

>> I'm mary maize, investment manager for Travis County. I do manage the county's depository bank contract. I have a request from the bank before you today, with me is lornelle camus on relationship manager and kathy parmer with treasury services at chase. Chase is offering a new service to the public because of the check 21 law, they upgraded their image making capables and -- capabilities and they are now offering to make images electronic images for their customers. This is not something that is a traditional bank service. So they would like to let their customers know and as part of this, they have asked to put together a one-page sheet of information about how Travis County is using their doc manager services to -- to convert 20 years worth of district clerk court records to a -- to electronic records that will -- as you recall, you approved this a couple of months ago, that is well underway. And at this point it's simply a matter of -- of the attachment in your backup shows what the bank would like to use. It has been reviewed by me and by barbara wilson for the county attorney's office. It is factual. The handout that I gave you just now is evidence of a precedent, there is another county in Texas which is cooperating with -- with chase, they are actually doing presentation. It's another bank service, it's a different bank service. But it is similar to the requests that they are making. And if you have any questions --

>> hum.

>> I have an exploration that isn't really a question so much for you all. It's a question for us. This is wonderful thing that you all are doing. It's been a tremendous success. It's absolutely factual. My only moment of pause is in the quote used from the Travis County employee in marketing materials it seems that there is a line between using us as a case study and a reference for future prospective clients and using statements of our employees as testimonials in marketing material. From a policy perspective, I don't want to trample on our employees' right to speak their mine -- their mind, but I'm queasy about establishing a precedent where our contractors utilize statements by us in their marketing material.

>> this employee has reviewed it. I just wanted to make --

>> I have no doubt that it's not -- an accurate depiction of one of our employees.

>> I understand.

>> glee over what a successful program it is. That's not my point. My point is that I'm just wondering about establishing that press debit of utilizing -- precedent of utilizing county employee statements in marketing materials by our contractors. Not that I wouldn't be happy to have our contractors utilize us as a reference.


>> [indiscernible]

>> can you shed a little --

>> here or in executive session? There are some legal questions I have about it.

>> maybe we need to check it out.

>> that may inform the discussion. Or the decision.

>> and if you would like to go into executive session now so that you can complete your discussion while the bank representatives are here, I'm prepared to go. So -- it's your pleasure.

>> what says the court?

>> I think it will help to just air it out.

>> it would probably be a very brief legal discussion. I don't think there's huge legal issues around it.

>> let me warn you all that when we are -- although we are often brief, we are always thorough

>> [laughter] so -- so if my staff would bring the tape recorder down to the executive session meeting room, the Commissioners court will convene in executive session at this time to discuss item 18, specifically under the exception consultation with attorney. We are getting legal advice, which means that we have legal questions which demand legal answers, answers from our lawyers, so consultation with attorney exception. We will discuss only this item, then we will return back to court and -- and deal with the rest of the agenda.

we've returned from executive session where we discussed item number 18 and 18 only with our lawyers. Any other questions of chase bank representatives or county staff?

>> do you have a motion?

>> I have a motion that we -- that we approve the proposed marketing materials with the exclusion of the quote by the Travis County employee on the right-hand side. But otherwise approve it as written.

>> thank you.

>> the same thing may be said by chase bank representatives. The quote part kind of bothered us. Oxygen the court like to --

>> would the court like to see -- I'm sure they're not going to leave a blank there. Would the court like to see the finished document?

>> it would help just to have that of record. We would need to place one with the county clerk anyway, so if we see it, that would be fine. The other thing is that this approval is limited to this document as revised with that suggested in the motion. And our lawyers would like for us to say probably that any other uses of Travis County's name on other documents would need separate approval. If there's no more discussion, all in favor? Show Commissioners eckhardt, Gomez, Daugherty, yours truly voting in favor.

>> Commissioner Davis abstaining. I do significant business with chase, so I will not be able to participate in this vote. Thank you. Show me abstaining.

>> thank y'all very much.

>> wonderful program.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 1:51 PM