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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 20, 2008
Item 3

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Speaking of memorial day, number 3 is to approve resolution proclaiming may 26, 2008 as "memorial day" in Travis County. And should I read it?

>> yes, please.

>> it reads: whereas may 26th, 2008 is the official observance day for the country to stop and recognize the sacrifices of the brave men and women serving in our armed forces, who protect the rights, freedom and democracy of all americans and the citizens of Travis County. Whereas Travis County serves as home for over 60,500 veterans, many of whom suffer from combat related injuries, life altering disabilities and amputations. Therefore Travis County recognizes the increasing needs and demands of the veteran community. Whereas Travis County veterans service office has established an interagency and multi-organizational agreement that serves as a vehicle to enhance support to Texas army and air national guard service and family members and military veterans within the state of Texas. And whereas on April 19th, 2008, the Texas state cemetery honored Texas veterans of the vietnam war by unveiling a new monument on its grounds that only nor all branches of service, that served during the vietnam era, including the marine corps, navy, army, air force, army national guard, air national guard, coast guard and the merchant marines. Whereas a vietnam memorial on the corner of cesar chavez and interstate 35 was donated and dedicated by the lions club of Austin in the 70s to honor those from Austin who gave their lives in vietnam, the city of Austin has scheduled a rededication ceremony for the memorial on June 2nd, 2008, at 1:00 p.m. Whereas george w. Bush, president of the united states of america, proclaimed may 9th, 2008, as military spouse day, he called upon the people of the united states to observe this day with the appropriate ceremonies and activities and by expressing their gratitude to the husbands and wives of those serving in the united states armed forces. Whereas -- all citizens of Travis County understand and appreciate the sacrifices that their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends and neighbors have made by willingly answering the call to service, some even giving their lives so that we live free in this great democracy. Whereas we call on all americans to pause at 3:00 p.m. On Monday, may 26th, 2008, to observe a national moment of remembrance, as a moment of reflection, recognized by acts of congress to put the memorial back in memory day and in honor of america's fallen heros and whereas the Travis County veterans service office has vets serving vets, is committed to dead -- and dedicated to service one veteran at a time. Now therefore be it resolved that we the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby proclaim may 26th, 2008, as memorial day in Travis County. And call upon the citizens of Travis County to observe memorial day beginning may 25th, through may 30th, 2008 with the appropriate programs and activities focusing on the achievements of those who have served this great nation by showing appreciation for their service with the understanding that no words can adequately express the gratitude and pride we hold for these brave men and women who so galantly gave us hope for the future and a deep appreciation of our past. And I move approval.

>> second.

>> by the way, my office has not drafted this resolution.

>> I think my office did.

>> leffingwell: being kind of long there.

>> we can't shorten it this time as we go along, the issues get longer and longer and longer.

>> right.

>> and some of the activities that have taken place in the past, I want those to be recognized and to make the citizens of Travis County aware of what's happening with the veterans issues. The -- the activity lists, I have a copy for you. The activities start from -- from may the 24th on through, as you saw there, one of the these -- one of these as you are aware for the rededication of the monument that the -- that the lions club donated back in the 70s. Now, if you are not familiar with that location, if you are going east on cesar chavez as -- right at 35 and you stop at that signal light, about -- about 11 there is a flag pole and a very small monument. Through the years it has been desecrated, the flags have been taken off of the flag poles, they go back up. They get taken away again. Individuals destroy it and it's been neglected. It's been off the radar for a long, long time. With that in mind the rededication, June the 2nd, the city has taken it upon themselves to rededicate that memorial. I can physically see that monument from my office, so I am fully aware of that location. Mr. Pena said something about Ron wisserman. There is another memorial that's over here by the justice complex. I want to take it upon myself to look into the situation of restoring that -- that monument. There is a -- there is an actual etching of the individual on that monument. So we need to look at years of deterioration. That was put up in the 70s, also, so that monument needs to be looked and restored, also. Okay? So I have a list of the activities and everything. I just wanted to make sure that everyone else here participates. It will go out electronically to all of the veterans organizations that I deal with. And one of the main reasons why we are celebrating memorial day is -- as you see here, that the deaths from these two wars is 4,555. Wounded in action, 31,948. Medically evacuate due to injuries or disease, 38,962. That gives us a grand total of casualties from both wars of 75,460. We look at the families of these individuals, we can truly estimate that -- that -- estimate that for every soldier member who dies in combat, there are at least four family members affected by that death. And that's just the immediate family. We are not talking about the siblings, parents, grandparents, so on, so forth. All right. So I want to thank you. For the proclamation. And remember, pray for our men and women in uniform, and god bless our veterans.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 8:51 PM