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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 23, 2005
Item 13

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Christian, do we need 13?
>> yes. 13. Receive update on expenses and revenue for fy '06 budget.
>> yes. What we want to do is in essence let you know what we know. On the '06 budget since the last time we talked to you during the various budget hearings and it's just a brief overview. What we would like to do is each week simply give you a briefing, no action necessary. Simply so that during markup and after markup each Tuesday there are no surprises. And leroy can give you a rough overview.
>> yes. I’ll turn over a couple of items to travis gatlin andy ana rarpz, has a couple, then I will complete with a couple of comments. Travis?
>> p.b.o. Has worked with hrmd to identify approximately $293,000 that's currently included in the hrmd general fund budgets trans tered to the risk management fund for the owners controlled insurance program. Fy '06 is going to be the final year that we are required to maintain a reserve for this. Therefore we are going to rope that we remove this funding and free it up for other Commissioners court uses and this would reduce the -- the amount of revenue going into the risk management fund by the same amount. This would be included on the changes list in about the next two weeks.
>> good news.
>> good news.
>> all right.
>> [indiscernible]
>> thank you. We work closely with alicia and her staff and [indiscernible] office.
>> [one moment please for change in captioners]
>> ... To reduce the county contribution for district judges and result in the -- about $364,000 worth of savings for f.y. '06. And a little bit more for f.y. '07 since it would be for the full year.
>> more good news.
>> so it is -- if I’m understanding from the district judges is just since the state did that, that's not like, well, I mean aren't you all going to continue to do what you do?
>> this is -- this is in expectation that the salary would remain the same and it's a fund switch. The state is augmenting more and the county less. We have made an assumption there would be no further increases in the actual salaries or decreases, for that matter, simply a fund switch. That assumption is where we are at this moment.
>> well, that's great. That's one of the few times this the two and a half years I’ve been here the state has where we're picking up more.
>> it's happened a couple of times.
>> it's called a funded mandate.
>> a couple of items that deanna has.
>> since the preliminary budget was filed, we've gotten information from the auditor's office on a request by constable precinct 1 for a new f.t.e., a new deputy constable that would bring in additional revenue if it's funded since constable precinct 1 didn't have a budget hearing, we wanted to make sure and let you know about this. It's reference number 143 on your budget agenda work sheet that you've gotten. And what it is is that it's a cost on going operating of $50,449, one time capital of 2370 and the revenue would bring in 77,324 for a $25,000 net increase in revenue. And so we'll have it on, if you just want to use -- mark it on your budget agenda work sheets or if you want us to put it on the correction list, we could identity either way that you want. Today it's just an update. And we can do that in the future.
>> [inaudible].
>> certified revenue gives us an extra $25,000. And then a second item, in district clerk's office, the jury pay bill that passed during the -- I believe it was the regular session, senate bill 1704, that was increasing jury pay to $40 a day after the first day, revenue for that has been certified in the fourth revenue estimate of about $690,000. There will be corrections list that will include the expenditure line item for that. So it will be a net wash of equal expenditure to the revenue, but the state, again, is actually paying for this through a new fee. And under fund 050, the justice court technology fund, p.b.o. Has been working with i.t.s. And the county attorney's office to identify expenditures can be moved to that fund, leave some money available for some of the fax costs. And we've already identified $78 in i.t.s. Expense that could be moved over to fund 050. Of that $56,000 is ongoing operating and the rest is one-time. And i.t.s. Is still working to identify other items that could possibly be moved over to fund 050, so we hope to have better news with that as time goes on. That's my update.
>> the 10 traffic positions, deanna is working with the j.p.s and sheriff's office on determining the workload distribution to the j.p.s offices as a result of those 10 traffic enforcement officers. And we'll be getting that information to you as we get it completed. The fourth revenue estimate also includes the $75,000 from the hospital district in relation to the purchasing office, and my understanding is that the purchasing board will be meeting in the near future to determine the expenditures that align against that 75,000.
>> did we also not have a person in h.h.s. That was going to be --
>> that was also included in the fourth revenue estimate. The county auditor will be briefing you next Tuesday on the fourth revenue estimate so we didn't -- with the exception of these few items, we didn't want to get too deep into that.
>> okay.
>> that's it.
>> thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:47 AM