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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 22, 2005
Item 40

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The next item is number 40, consider and take appropriate action on request to approve order for the mission economic development corporation to finance certain water and wastewater utility improvements for the southwest water company project in Travis County.
>> on this item the southwest water company wishes to issue up to $60 million in private activity bonds throughout the state of Texas, up to $21 million will be for projects in Travis County, and this is a similar type item that we had last week with the catholic diocese where they have to go to each county and the counties have to approve the order or the public hearing. And richard o'donnell is here with southwest water company, who will be happy to answer any questions, different questions you might have.
>> I have -- in fact, I had a lot of things that I ended up calling and inquiring about some of this. (indiscernible). As far as the supplies in eastern Travis County, as far as supplying the needs of that community. My concern is that i'd like to know if and when the bonds are issued, then when will the projects come to conclusion? Has everything been laid out and is this going through the process of issuing the bonds to get those upgrades in place for the treatment plant? I was basically looking at if there's any inkling that may be revealed that may suggest when the project will start and stuff like that. If it's not -- those are some of the questions that have been posed to me, so I'm just trying to get some answers.
>> good afternoon, Commissioners and judge. What we're planning to do is complete the funding of all the bonds and then we will move forward with the construction on each individual item as they are deemed necessary and prudent to be done on a first come -- on a requirement of meeting the project completed first. If it's a regulation problem or if it's a treatment problem, we will proceed with that as the first item. So we'll be looking at those items on a requirement of what needs to be done first. Whatever is most important, what is in violation. And then we will step into what is needed immediately and then what is for future development.
>> thank you.
>> and lastly, let me ask this question as far as the upgrade as far as the wastewater treatment plant. Was that basically brand new or how is that going to work?
>> there's two wastewater treatment plants in question. The first one is already under construction. It is a wastewater treatment plant. And the second one would be upgrades to the existing treatment plant.
>> the existing?
>> yes, sir.
>> that's the question I had on that.
>> have you conducted the public hearing?
>> no, sir, I have not conducted any public hearings.
>> move approval of the request to authorize the county judge to sign the letter authorizing the bond financing after receipt of a certificate saying that the public hearings have been conducted. And you will be the person to do the public hearings?
>> no, sir, I do not believe I will be. He's not here today.
>> is that a hearings officer?
>> it will be a hearings officer.
>> (indiscernible).
>> that is the guy they're designating to go to all the counties and do the public hearings, kind of in keeping that all uniform. And he is a consultant for the mission economic development corporation. We will be working with him. We will publish the notice of public hearing and make sure that it's carried off in the appropriate manner.
>> okay.
>> that public hearing would be in the designated areas affected or a consolidated public hearing? How does that work?
>> the requirement that they're trying to meet is a requirement on tax law that requires a hearing both in the jurisdiction of the issuer and that the facility is -- and within 100 miles of the facility. So in each case they're going to each community and having a public hearing in that community to satisfy the requirements having it both in the jurisdiction of the issuer as well as in the jurisdiction of the facility, each of the facilities.
>> again, I second this motion because in fact it is in precinct 1 and I want to know about this, since they're a major supplier of water and wastewater services in that area.
>> and too up in the Pflugerville area.
>> and in Pflugerville, right.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank y'all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:23 AM